Making it Rain - How to Thrive as a Cloud Campaign Affiliate

Learn how to thrive as a Cloud Campaign Affiliate with this master guide.

So, you’ve become a Cloud Campaign Affiliate - congratulations and welcome aboard!

While becoming an Affiliate is as easy as clicking this link and signing up, getting people to click your referral link requires some knowledge of how to pitch Cloud Campaign to your networks. 

In this in-depth guide, I’ll provide everything you need to help you succeed as a Cloud Campaign Affiliate. 

Let’s get started! And here's an index to help you navigate this sizable topic!


What is the Cloud Campaign Affililate Program?

What is Cloud Campaign?

Breaking Down Cloud Campaign

Who is Cloud Campaign For?

Cloud Campaign key Selling Points

How to Pitch Cloud Campaign

Putting It All Together

What is the Cloud Campaign Affiliate Program?

Being an affiliate means we will pay you to promote Cloud Campaign. Anyone can become an affiliate by clicking this link

After signing up, you’ll be given a unique referral code to share with your networks.

For anyone who signs up using your referral code, you will earn a percentage of their subscription (based on our pricing plans) for up to twelve months.

The Cloud Promoter tier is open to anyone and pays out 20% of your referral’s subscription for 12 months, and you earn 5% for any of your referral’s referrals. 

The Cloud Ambassador tier is open to affiliates who bring on 10 or more customers over the lifetime of their affiliation OR complete our Cloud Certification program (for existing customers only). 

Cloud Ambassadors earn 25% of their referrals for up to 12 months, as well as 5% of their referrals.

Payouts to affiliates are made monthly (with a $5 minimum) and requires a Paypal account to receive payment. Check out our Affiliate Page for full terms and conditions.

What is Cloud Campaign?

One of the first steps to becoming a successful affiliate is knowing more about the product you’re pitching. We got you covered!

The simple definition of Cloud Campaign is a white-label social media management platform built to help agencies scale. 

But even that statement can benefit from some clarification, so let’s break it down!

Breaking Down Cloud Campaign

We’ll talk about key selling points, or KSPs, later. But white-labeling, another term for branding an existing product or service as your own, is one of the most popular features of Cloud Campaign.

This feature lets users on Studio and Agency plans to customize the brand, logo, colors, and domain of the Cloud Campaign platform, allowing them to provide a seamless experience for their customers while charging a higher retainer. 

This is often justified through supportive services, resources, or other value-add offers. Check out this post for more information about white-labeling

You can also reference our post on How Much You Should Charge Your Social Media Clients and Agency Pricing Calculator to help agencies understand just how lucrative their SMM services can be.

What The Heck Is Scalable Social Media Management?

Now, let’s dissect the next part: a social media management platform built to help agencies scale. What’s that all about?

The social media management platform part is pretty straightforward. 

Cloud Campaign is a web-based software application that lets you connect, post to, manage, and report on multiple brand’s social media accounts.

This is done through application programming interfaces, or APIs, that grant access to and from each social media platform. 

These APIs allow SMM platforms like Cloud Campaign to automate social media posting, respond to comments, and create aggregated social media reports in seconds - All in one place.

These features, along with the other KSPs we’ll explore later, help agencies do more with fewer resources. This maximizes their ability to generate revenue while minimizing the cost of inputs or resources.

Through our pricing and feature set, Cloud Campaign makes social media management easy and efficient, regardless of if a user is managing one client, one hundred clients, or one thousand. 

Which leads us nicely to…

Who is Cloud Campaign for?

We built Cloud Campaign for freelancers and marketing agencies wanting to automate and scale their social media management.

Agencies managing three or more social media clients are a great fit for Cloud Campaign because they can take full advantage of the platform’s powerful automation features.

Cloud Campaign is also perfect for agencies managing franchises, enterprise companies, or any multi-location business because of how brand workspaces, bulk content management and user permissions are organized. 

Check out our post on Enterprise SMM Tips for Digital Marketing Agencies for more information on how to address that audience.

Agencies that specialize in specific industries or vertical markets are also great candidates for Cloud Campaign because of how easy it is to apply tried and tested campaign tactics and content to their entire portfolio. 

Check out our State of the Agency Report for more on verticalization as a business strategy.

Cloud Campaign Key Selling Points

Now that we’ve established what Cloud Campaign is and who it’s for, let’s dive into the features that make this SMM platform stand out.


For social media agencies, maintaining a consistent and professional brand image is crucial. Cloud Campaign understands this and makes it easy for users to white-label the platform.

White-labeling lets agencies customize the platform with their branding. Their clients see the agency's logo and branding, not Cloud Campaign's, which helps agencies provide a seamless and professional experience for their clients.

Click here for more information and selling points on white labeling.

AI-Powered Captioning

Writing engaging captions over and over is a time-consuming task. CaptionAI, Cloud Campaign's AI-powered captioning feature, takes the drudgery out of content creation. 

This innovative tool uses the powerful ChatGPT platform to generate up to 10 captions at once. It saves time and ensures that every post has captivating copy.

Plus, CaptionAI is available on all plans and has unlimited use, so agencies can quickly fill up their content calendars and take advantage of multi-platform and multi-caption posting.

Click here for more information on CaptionAI and its selling points.

Organized and Siloed Workspaces

Another feature beloved by agencies is how content and accounts are organized in Cloud Campaign.

Accounts are called Brands in the platform. Each Brand gets its siloed Content Library which has unlimited storage. This is also another great selling point you can share!

Each brand also has siloed Category Tags, schedules, and reports. This gives agencies and SMMs more control over account access and reduces errors in posting.

Agencies can also set user roles with specific permissions. Brand Admins have access to all accounts. This is great for your senior-level managers, creators, or directors.

Brand Managers have access only to the workspaces to which they’ve been given access. This is perfect for your mid and entry-level Account Managers.

Finally, and this is huge, you can invite your clients to access a unique dashboard for their brand (more on this below). Clients will only have access to the workspace(s) to which they’ve been assigned access. The main difference is being able to exclude Clients from internal conversations, like in the early content approval process.

This allows agencies and managers to delegate accounts while ensuring appropriate staff and client access to the right accounts. 

Check out our post on brand workspaces for more information.

Multi-Caption and Multi-Platform Scheduling

Managing multiple social media platforms for multiple clients can be a logistical nightmare. Cloud Campaign simplifies this process with its multi-caption and multi-platform scheduling features. 

For example, you can create platform-specific captions that post tailored content to each account automatically. 

You can also add multiple captions to a post, and Cloud Campaign will automatically rotate through each caption until it’s expired. Recycling content in this way has been shown to increase engagement by at least 15%.

This means agencies can plan and schedule posts across various platforms from a single dashboard, saving time and ensuring consistent posting schedules while maximizing engagement.

Client Access Portals

Communication and transparency are key in client-agency relationships. 

Cloud Campaign offers client access portals where clients can log in to view their social media content, schedules, and analytics. 

Clients can also quickly and securely link their social media accounts from within the platform, eliminating the need for account or password sharing.

For agencies, involving clients builds trust and can improve efficiency by giving them direct access to view and even manage their own social media campaigns.

Content Approvals

Avoiding mistakes and maintaining a high-quality standard is essential for any agency. But one of the most challenging parts of any SMM’s job is continuously chasing down content approval.

Cloud Campaign's Content Approvals is one of the most raved-about features because of how fast and easy it makes the process.

After creating and scheduling content, SMMs can quickly select and send an approval to their team or client, who can leave time-stamped text and image feedback from any browser - even mobile! 

This ensures that every post meets the client's expectations and aligns with their brand. 

And because scheduled content won’t be posted unless approved, agencies can schedule weeks or months in advance without worry.

Fast and Easy Reporting

Measuring the success of social media campaigns is essential for showing the value and results your agency provides.

Cloud Campaign provides detailed and easy-to-understand analytics and reporting tools that make it easy for agencies to share the results of their campaigns. 

Agencies can track key metrics, generate client-friendly reports, and demonstrate the tangible results of their efforts with just a few clicks.

Reports are mobile-friendly, responsive, and interactive and can be customized with white labeling for an integrated experience.

How to Pitch Cloud Campaign

We’ve covered Cloud Campaign, who it’s for, and what it does. So next, we will pull all that together to help you successfully pitch the platform as an affiliate.

The most effective way to do this is by focusing on how Cloud Campaign makes the social media management process fast, cost-effective, and scalable. Let’s break that down into more digestible, sellable chunks.

Making Social Media Management Faster & Easier

Agencies always look for sustainable ways to make their work and processes more efficient. 

Cloud Campaign kicks this into overdrive by offering agency-focused tools to amplify their effectiveness in creating, publishing, and monitoring campaigns. This is also how these tools are grouped together within the platform.

In fact, SMMs report shaving off up to an entire day from their work week just by using Cloud Campaign’s content creation, scheduling, and reporting tools. Use that to get your audience pumped!

Robust Content Creation Tools

Cloud Campaign has various tools and integrations to speed up content creation for agencies and marketers. 

Direct Uploading

Users can upload multiple images and video content directly to the content library via computer or mobile device. 

Pexels Stock Image Library

But, that isn’t the only way to create content. Users also have direct and unlimited access to Pexel’s library of high-quality stock images to add to a post. This saves users countless hours searching for the perfect image with no strings attached.

Built-In Canva Integration

We’ve also built Canva access into Cloud Campaign for agencies wanting to create more customized content without leaving the platform.

AI Caption Writing

As we mentioned earlier, CaptionAI is available to generate and add up to 10 social media captions to a post at once, making copywriting faster than ever.

Bulk Spreadsheet Importing

Power users really looking to save time can import and schedule months' worth of content in seconds by using Cloud Campaign’s CSV spreadsheet importer. 

Import Content From Social Media Accounts

Agencies can import content from other social media accounts, which is great for managing and recycling content for franchises, multi-location businesses, or verticalized markets.

RSS Feed & Google Drive Automation

Agencies also love how it is to turn blog content into social media posts via RSS feed integration. 

Just plug in a site’s RSS feed address and watch as content is turned automatically into social posts that can be edited and optimized further.

Cloud Campaign also plays nicely with image contributors, such as freelance photographers or your clients, if they’re capturing imagery for you. 

With the Google Drive integration, agencies can create “dump folders” that turn any uploaded image into a social post in Cloud Campaign. This saves a tremendous amount of time and bandwidth transferring and uploading images to social media.

Built-In Content Curation

Cloud Campaign also helps agencies curate relevant content for their clients. 

The Recommendations tool gives users access to Pexel’s images, Google News Articles, and Instagram user-generated content that SMMs can import into their content libraries with a single click, and then edit to customize the content for their campaigns.

Check out this video to learn more about content curation and how it can save agencies time in their workflows.

Automated Scheduling and Publishing Tools That Save Time

If Cloud Campaign makes creating content easy, scheduling is a breeze!

While content can be posted to any account in the moment using Post Now, SMMs and agencies using Cloud Campaign find the most value in putting the powerful automated scheduling tools to work.

Users can create simple or advanced posting schedules using the same Category tags keeping their content organized. 

This is as simple as selecting the source category, and picking the days and times the categorized content should be posted (like every Monday morning at 9:00am for Monday Motivation, as an example). 

These schedules work like “content buckets” that Cloud Campaign will check for content to post at the scheduled time. If no approved content is in the bucket, nothing will be posted, so this feature works great with the Approvals feature mentioned earlier.

That’s not the only way to schedule content, though! 

You can also access a Calendar view of your client’s content and use the drag-and-drop interface to add content directly to the calendar. It’s a great way to get a big-picture view of your content strategy.

Here’s a short video walkthrough of Cloud Campaign’s scheduling features and how they can help agencies automate their workflows. You can also refer to this blog post on How to Automate Your Social Media Posting Using Cloud Campaign for more information.

Management and Monitoring Tools In One Easy-to-Use Spot

Outside of content creation, responding to comments and direct messages, monitoring performance, and creating reports can consume a lot of time. 

Imagine if you had to pay attention and respond to the social feeds and inboxes of just five clients. If that thought makes you feel anxious, just imagine trying to do that at scale! 

Cloud Campaign addresses this by allowing agencies and their clients to respond, like, hide, and delete comments and direct messages on all connected social media accounts from one location. 

Agencies can even set user-based permissions, assign messages to specific team members, and have internal conversations about specific posts to make community management at scale even easier. 

Finally, Cloud Campaign generates responsive, interactive reports with customizable data sets in seconds. These reports can be shared online or offline and branded with white labeling, letting agencies pick how they fit into their workflows.

Check out this video walkthrough of the community management features and this video walkthrough of the reporting features to learn more about these features and how they improve the agency experience.

Award-Winning Customer Support & Training

One thing that isn’t talked about enough in SaaS is how much of a difference stellar customer support and management can make.

Cloud Campaign’s locally-based support desk is fast, responsive, and staffed by kind, amazing people who are technical experts on the platform.

We also take pride in the fact that our Customer Success Team has helped literally thousands of agencies scale and grow their business using Cloud Campaign. 

We will literally train and certify every member of an agency’s team on the platform’s best practices and help them get the most out of it through Cloud Certification. This is essentially a roadmap to success for the agency using Cloud Campaign, customized to their business needs and goals.

Always-Evolving Platform

The final piece agencies will want to know is how the platform keeps up with new platforms, updates, and features.

Cloud Campaign has an incredibly talented team of senior developers working on best-practice development cycles to consistently deliver new features, updates, and social platform integrations.

The company is transparent about its roadmap and feature requests and communicates its regular product updates, so agencies have more visibility into what is coming, and we encourage feedback through our Customer Success team to make sure we’re building the best product for your business.

Putting It All Together

So you’ve made it this far - congratulations! I know it’s a lot of information, but Cloud Campaign really is the sum of its parts and understanding the whole picture.

When pitching Cloud Campaign as an affiliate, take bits and pieces of what you learned to create a message that resonates with your audience. 

Our most consistent payouts are to affiliates who create Cloud Campaign reviews on YouTube or their blog and share their referral link (along with relevant content) regularly on Instagram, LinkedIn, and to email audiences.

Focusing on the amount of time saved in key tasks is always a great go-to, and you can pair that message with ideas of what they could fill that time with - spending time with family, hobbies, or freeing themselves up for more strategic tasks.

Once you’ve put together a compelling message and clear call-to-action, pair that with your affiliate link and share it with your audience. You can also leverage our free two-week trial in your messaging - we certainly do!

You’ll be able to monitor your sign-ups through your Affiliate portal, but you should also be tracking the performance of your messages using a link shortener like Bitly. 

Once you’ve done all that and set up your affiliate payment account, you’ll be ready to receive payments from your affiliation!

We hope this guide has been useful. Please reach out if you have questions on how to succeed as an affiliate.

Click here to sign up for the Affiliate program if you aren’t already a member - you don’t need to be an existing customer to join!

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